The list of cultivars for vg0112525167 with genotype A in the Indica III population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
ARC_7236 IRIS_313-10667 Indica III India ERS469486
KHAO_MAK_KHAM IRIS_313-11074 Indica III Laos ERS469876
Ea_dam_hang_dok IRIS_313-11082 Indica III Laos ERS469905
ZEINGYI IRIS_313-11150 Indica III Myanmar ERS469951
DUBRAJ IRIS_313-11167 Indica III India ERS469969
PURTOK(MALAGKIT) IRIS_313-11343 Indica III Philippines ERS470135
SUITE_JORA IRIS_313-11402 Indica III Bangladesh ERS470194
SARA IRIS_313-8457 Indica III Indonesia ERS468243
PATMADHAI_1 IRIS_313-8632 Indica III Bangladesh ERS467959
SIDIK IRIS_313-8767 Indica III Indonesia ERS468263
LEUANG_YAI_29-12-46 IRIS_313-9119 Indica III Thailand ERS468025
HAM_48 IRIS_313-9357 Indica III Thailand ERS468062